
Building Sensitivity. Bringing Change

I CARE is a community service foundation that has focus on healthcare, women education and sanitation.


Offers services to the deprived children with social economic and psychological problems through non-institutional and community bases programmers. Main motive of this is to provide educational.

Women Healthcare

Women’s Health Care provides comprehensive, quality obstetrical and gynecological care with the warmth, responsiveness and accessibility of a community-based practice.

Anemia Free Nation

Anemia Free Nation (AFN) is a public health campaign which envisions a society free from anemia, the campaign is composed of camps where the AFN team tests the locals for anemia and provides treatment (for free) to people who turn out to be anemic. The camps mainly concentrate on women and children from the lower economic class.

For more info visit http://www.anemiafreenation.org/

CNN IBN: “ Making Stronger India”, Watch Tushar Narula’s Inspiring Story