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Greetings! I’m Tushar Narula, a dedicated Sustainability Advisor and Climate Change Expert on a mission to harmonize Environmental Social Governance principles with the world of value investments. My passion lies in catalyzing the transformation of organizations towards generating positive returns while fostering a lasting impact on society.

My journey thus far has been akin to the growth of a tree, cultivated during my upbringing in India. Being involved in sustainability and CSR projects since a young age instilled in me a profound connection with local issues within my community.

Expanding beyond local boundaries, I ventured into the realm of international sustainability standards, collaborating with esteemed research institutions. These experiences allowed me to paint the canvas of sustainability with diverse shades of valuable change and structured innovation.

Branching further into the professional landscape, I delved into the intricacies of smart city integration policy, offering consulting and advisory services. Engaging with multinational corporations has equipped me with the tools to infuse innovation into the landscape of growth.

At the core of my belief system is the conviction that sustainability and innovation flourish exponentially when nurtured by diverse thoughts and the intersection of various disciplines. I am an active participant in global climate networks and eagerly seize speaking opportunities to amplify the message of sustainable transformation.With a proven track record in sustainability, a knack for innovation, and a commitment to diverse collaboration, I stand ready to guide organizations towards a greener, more responsible future, where profitability and positive societal impact go hand in hand.




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